Week 2 Blog
Hi all,
Welcome Back!
This week I have been working on other Simulator Software which are available free online.
1. SUMO - I was able download Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO) software and required resources from the following link - http://www.dlr.de/ts/en/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-9883/16931_read-41000/. SUMO is a free and open traffic simulation suite which is available since 2001. SUMO allows modelling of inter modal traffic systems including road vehicles, public transport and pedestrians. But, we cannot import the maps and build networks on SUMO itself. So, I have moved on from SUMO to some other Simulator which can be helpful for the project.
2. Ultra Global PRT - It is an engineering research project to devise the optimum urban transport solution for the 21st century, Ultra began development in 1995 in association with the University of Bristol. Ultra Global PRT is that we need to import map images into the software and then on the map we can select stations and design networks and the podcars cannot be controlled.
3. Beamed - The Beamways PRT system has its focus on low investment requirement, high capacity and minimal energy consumption. These properties will be very important in the emerging PRT market. Beamways AB was formed in January 2008 and is located in Linköping, Sweden.
Even Beamways has the same features as Ultra Global PRT.
4. Route Time Jpods - It is a simulator software which can be used to design networks in the desired city. I have done two networks using Route Time jpods. In this software every 5 seconds a podcar is released from a station and for 1 Hour simulation it is generating around 40,000 podcars which are not required in our project. This cannot be controlled and its not in our hands.
San Jose State University - North to South Campus -
SJC Airport to SJSU North Campus to South Campus -
Do you think these simulators would be handy for small scale simulating, for example at an airport like what they have done at Heathrow London?